535 Cherokee Rd. Portsmouth
VA 23701
Greetings to our West Side Women
You are invited!! Yes, a birthday is always fun! We hope your presence will add to the fun and excitement of the work of our Disciple Women.
On October 20th, we will celebrate the woman who organized the mission for church women. Her name was Caroline Neville Pearre. In 1874, she had a vision of how and why women could organize and work in the church. The first name of Disciple Women was Christian Women’s Board of Missions. We have had several name changes, but the mission and reason for creating has not changed. Through Ms. Pearre’s desires and prayers, she organized the mission board and had it managed exclusively by women. Something quite different back in the day. This Christian Women’s Board Mission realized that there was no difference in home and world missions. It still stands true today.
Now 145 years later, we are called Disciples Women of the Disciples of Christ Churches. We meet the needs of local missions and all over the world. Today women gather throughout the US, Canada, and Asia. We work to meet the needs of the world and hopefully inspire all women of the church to serve their own church.
You are one of those women. You make phone calls, visits, teach, support the monetary needs of your group of women, feed the homeless and you might attend meetings locally and regionally. We will be celebrating YOU on October 20th!
Don’t forget to bring your favorite tuna or chicken salad, fruit or congealed salad. Our Disciple Women have always enjoyed sharing this type of meal together.
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.